
28 July 2020
ADRIA_Alliance, Kick off Meeting on 27 and 28 July 2020 in Martano (Italy)

Due to COVID-19 restrictions, the kick off meeting of the project “ADRIA_Alliance, ADRIAtic cross-border ALLIANCE for the promotion of energy efficiency and climate change adaptation”, co-funded under the Interreg IPA CBC Italy-Albania-Montenegro Programme, has been held with a mixed methodology: online and face-to-face in the premises of Unione dei Comuni della Grecia Salentina (Italy).

The meeting has been attended by all project partners and by a representative of the Joint Secretariat.

During the event the partners had the chance to present their organizations and to discuss about project activities and work plan. 

The project aims to transfer  know-how finalized to enable project partners with effective strategic planning and an extended governance model for the whole territories, aimed at energy efficiency of buildings and protection of cities from the risks generated by climate change.

Project main outputs are:

-the set-up of innovative business models;

- start-up of innovative enterprises in RES market; 

- implementation of small pilot projects for the efficiency of Partners’ public buildings; 

- triggering of local micro-networks (smart-grids), on public buildings, for energy and data exchange.

ADRIA_Alliance has a total budget of 684.874,75 EUR (IPA co-financing 85%); the project duration is 18 months.

Lead Partner: Union of Municipalities of Grecìa Salentina.

Project Partners: ESCOOP European Social Cooperative, LAG Molise Towards 2000, Malesi e Madhe Municipality, Municipality of Tuzi.

Associated partners: FEDERESCO - Italian Association of ESCos, Ministry of Economy of Montenegro.