
29 July 2021
ADRIA_ALLIANCE, the project starts with the kick-off meeting in Martano (LE) Italy

ADRIA_Alliance kick-off meeting has been held on 27 and 28 July 2020 through an online videoconference and a live meeting in the Unione Grecìa Salentina premises in Martano (Italy). During the event the Project Partners s had the chance to present their organizations and to discuss about project activities and work plan. 

Project partners are: ESCOOP - Cooperativa Sociale Europea, Gal Molise, Unione Grecìa Salentina, Komuna e Tuzit - Opština Tuzi, Bashkia Malësi e Madhe. 

The project is financed through Interreg IPA CBC Italy-Albania-Montenegro.

Project objective is to transfer know-how finalized to increase energy efficiency of buildings in the project area and safety of cities from the risks generated by climate change.

Associated partners are: FEDERESCO and Ministarstvo kapitalnih investicija Crne Gore.

Here is the agenda of the meeting