The partner GAL Molise Verso il 2000 has started the works for the installation of a photovoltaic plant for a power of 20.25 kW on the public school of the Municipality of Fossalto, in the Province of Campobasso. The energy produced by the photovoltaic system and not consumed in the public building, will not be made available to the distribution network, but will be shared among the users of the local community, created thanks to the project ADRIA_Alliance, by defining priorities for intervention and support to resilient businesses in the area that offer basic services or to citizens whose income does not allow them to guarantee the purchase of energy, exposing their household to so-called energy poverty.
By the beginning of June the construction of the plant will be completed, and the energy community with its own statute and legal status will be established in a public ceremony. Fossalto Energia in Rete, this is the name chosen by the citizens to emphasise the importance of the value of sharing energy between citizens, businesses and public administration.